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Credit insurance for the fresh produce industry

The fruit and vegetable sector is a very dynamic sector where speed is required. The trade is fast, the margins small and the risk high. Dutch Credit Brokers has focused on the fresh produce sector for the past 15 years, we really feel at home there. Because of our interest in the ins and outs of this market, we speak the language and we know the players in this large yet “us knows us” environment. Our knowledge and experience is reflected in our support after taking out credit insurance, we remain active in our support not 9 to 5 but 24/7!
How we help fruit and vegetable companies:
  • provide local help and support with credit management solutions
  • address debtor risks in particular quickly and effectively
When a fruit and vegetable company calls or e-mails us about a limit, this usually means that the truck is at the loading dock and then it is a matter of valve open or valve closed. Direct support with limits is essential. This also comes to the fore when an insurer refuses to pay out a claim, in which case the fire brigade comes out to support our customer.

This is how we helped fruit and vegetable grower Bram


In the case of extensive damage to a foreign debtor, the insurer gave an indication that was impossible to follow, not only for our customer: limit the payment condition after the invoice and goods had already been sent. At such a moment, the insurer refuses to pay out the damage and to bend the rules to its will. Here, Dutch Credit Brokers was able to quickly convince the insurer that it would not get away with this, thanks to its (legal) knowledge and experience, and ensured that the damage was reimbursed immediately. Our relation “Bram” was able to continue with his trade and rely on the action of Dutch Credit Brokers!

Our solution

Our solution is always a customized solution, no company is the same. We would like to invite you to enter into a conversation with us to achieve, implement and implement this customized solution.

Need help? We are here for you.